Candidates Features

Join our professional network – a dynamic online platform designed to empower your career growth, connect with industry experts, and unlock a world of opportunities. Seamlessly network with a diverse global community, leveraging powerful tools to elevate your professional profile. Your professional journey starts here!

Job Application

You can apply to all jobs with one click

Job application is very easy. Once you like a job you are able to apply easily

Managing Job Applications

You can manage all the procedures of your application easily

You are allowed to apply to the jobs you want with helping features like notifications of new jobs and the capablility to add CV, working videos, etc.

Visa Procedure

Different visa issuance steps are managed through the platform

Services of offer letter preparation, work permit issuance, and visa updates will be provided to you with capabilities of performing all needed uploads and downloads of documents

Profile Management

All information about your experience and educaton along with supporting documents

Profile management features are available such as updating your professional and education details, uploading supporting documents, reaching your job applications and interviews, and managing your subscription and payment details

Other Services

Take your time to discover more

Other services like getting different kind of information about our services, products and flight details, receiving customer support, and getting documentation verification support

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