1 year ago
Job Details

- Cut, - Portion, - Processing, - Processes meat and meat products. - Unloads the raw material (carcasses of pork, beef, calf, lamb) and other animal products belonging to the butchery area and stores them in the refrigeration room; - Takes pork and beef carcasses from the cold storage, to be processed; - Degreases pork carcasses; - Break down pork and beef carcasses into small pieces; - Debone the small parts (remove the bones from the meat, rib eye steak, etc.); - Transfers the meat, obtained after deboning, into assortments and groups of muscles; - Shapes and portions the assortments and groups of muscles resulting from transection and sorts the meat according to qualities; - Sorting is done taking into account species, supplier, quality. Sorting and sorting is done according to the technological requirements. Allotment is done in special spaces. - Storage is done in specially arranged spaces. The storage conditions are ensured in relation to the nature of the product and its destination. The storage must ensure the preservation of the characteristics of the products. - The preservation method is chosen according to the specific instructions in relation to the nature of the product and destination. Preservation for delivery is done for predetermined periods. Preservation of products intended for human consumption can be done by refrigeration or freezing. The preservation of products for other purposes is carried out by specific methods. The preservation of the product is carried out by differentiated cooling in relation to the destination of the meat and the duration until delivery. - Applying and complying with work safety rules and NPSI - Ensuring hygienic-sanitary conditions - - Prevention of environmental pollution - Complying with the provisions of the Internal Regulation and the own Safety Instructions. - Maintaining individual hygiene is done by using and keeping in a clean state the sanitary-veterinary protection equipment
