2 sefi de santier
1 year ago
Bucharest, Romania
Job Details

Sefi de santier

-Repartizeaza muncitorii pentru diferitele lucrari de constructies -Coordoaza contractorii din constructii si pe subcontractorii acestora; -Decide cum sa se foloseasca masinile si alte echipamente; -Asigure aprovizionarea cu materiale, verifica calitatea si cantitatea lor; -Administreaza si controleaza procesele de munca si se asigura de progresul constructiei; -Ia decizii tehnice cu privire la anumite operatiuni de constructii; - Hotareste ce este de facut intr-un caz de urgenta care poate conduce la nerespectarea documentatiei tehnice; -Se intalneaste cu contractorii si sub-contractorii pentru a discuta cursul lucrarilor de constructie si orice schimbari solicitate; -Verifica daca constructia respecta schitele si documentatiile si daca lucrarea respecta programul de constructie si atinge la timp reperele stabilite, -Ia din timp masuri pentru recuperarea intarzierilor, daca exista; -Raporteaza despre progresul constructiei; -Tine un registru de santier; -Supravegheaza muncitorii si se asigura ca sunt respectate normele de sanatate si protectie a muncii.


Site managers: - Allocates the workers for the various construction works; - Coordinates construction contractors and their subcontractors; - Decides how to use machines and other equipment; - Ensures the supply of materials, checks their quality and quantity; - Administers and controls the work processes and ensures the progress of the construction; - Makes technical decisions regarding certain construction operations; - Decides what to do in an emergency that may lead to non-compliace with the technical documentation; - Meets with contractors and sub-contractors to discuss the course of construction works and any requested changes; - Checks if the construction complies with the sketches and documentation and if the work complies with the construction program and reaches the set milestones on time; - Take early measures to recover delays, if any; - Reports on construction progress; - Keep a site register; - Supervises the workers and ensures that the health and safety regulations are respected.

Foreman / Maistru constructii civile, industriale si agricole