Ajutor bucătar
7 months ago
Job Details

1. Ensures the implementation and maintenance of the standards of preservation and storage of products, semi-preparations and food preparations in compliance with the hygienic-sanitary norms in force. 2. Participates in determining the necessary raw materials to be ordered and in making supply orders; 3. Takes orders from customers and ensures their service; 4. Clears and ensures the cleanliness of the kitchen; 5. Actively participates in the maintenance of kitchen utensils and equipment; 6. Take into account perishability, the warranty period, the way in which the ingredients are to be used; 7. Performs the preliminary processing for cooking - sort, clean, wash, divide and then cook - boil, fry, bake, fry; 8. Performs other current tasks assigned by the direct superior, in accordance with the immediate needs of the unit. 9. Responsible for keeping utensils and equipment in good condition; 10. Responsible for compliance with occupational hygiene and safety regulations; 11. Responsible for the use of existing resources, exclusively in the interest of the company; 12. Strictly respects personal hygiene (robe, cap, shoes) and kitchen hygiene; 13. Use of existing resources, exclusively in the interest of the company; 14. Comply with the company's Internal Regulations; 15. Daily collects samples from the menu and keeps them in the refrigerator; 16. Depending on the current activity of the unit, the employee will perform any other tasks assigned by the management in relation to the proper service of the unit's customers, depending on his professional skills.

Cook helper / Ajutor bucătar