Full Job Description
We hire specialized personnel on the following positions: Chief Probe: -excuta, together with the team that coordinates, drilling, maneuver, tubing, production samples in accordance with the programs to be executed - Minimum 2 years experience at an essaying work post (water wells, heat pumps, micropiloni, prospects, etc. - good organizer - Available for trips throughout Romania's territory - honest person, serious, organized, prompt. - is the domicile in Bacau County - permitted cat b - We have almost new machines (does not require repairs) of the latest generation, being among the best performing in the country (more details can be found on our site or on all social networks) - We offer and want seriousness !! - The activity is carried out throughout the territory of Romania - transport, accommodation and daytime for travel is provided. - motivating salaries according to performance - timely payment of salary (15 and 30 of the month) and daytime (daily)
source - Lajumate.com
Civil, industrial and agricultural construction engineer / Inginer construcții civile, industriale si agricole
12,000 LEI  -  12,000 LEI (per month)