Full Job Description

Tasks and responsibilities: 
Operation of the equipment in the energy products warehouse for loading-unloading petroleum products Comply with the specific work safety rules for the handling, transport and storage of petrochemical products; 
It carries out the loading-unloading operations and notifies the legal entities when losses occur due to cracks, breakages, etc. It stops work when there is an imminent danger of an accident and immediately informs the direct driver. It prohibits the access of persons without work duties in the terminal area He is obliged to announce any malfunction that affects the proper functioning of the installation. When coming to the program, check the correct operation of the equipment and equipment; 
Performs the operation of handing over and receiving the tasks to the next shift, in accordance with the legislation and the instructions in force; 
Responsible for the operation, maintenance by cleaning and keeping the installations in good working condition; 
He is responsible for the accuracy of the data entered in the documents that he certifies by signing on his shift before the start of the loading-unloading operations, checks the condition of the stairs and the protective railings as well as the grounding device, the taps and the discharge holes. Check that the tankers are equipped with appropriate means for extinguishing fires, in relation to the product they are transporting. In case of spills, it is ensured that the tanker will be pushed away from the respective place. without starting its engine. During the loading-unloading operations from the tankers, check that the driver stops the tanker at the indicated loading-unloading place and secures it against the recommended movements; 
The driver must ground the metal parts, in order to drain the electrostatic charges; 
All connections must be sealed; 
Check that the tank wagons are secured against the recommended movements with the help of stop shoes, made of anti-sparking materials. Identifies the tasks assigned to him within the team, in accordance with his position and with the requirements of the workplace Participates in the fulfillment of the team's tasks, through a collaboration and permanent collaboration with the team members so as to ensure the correlation of deadlines and objectives. Materially liable for damage, loss or destruction objects received on inventory and materials put into operation. Analyzes the objectives and deadlines imposed in correlation with the existing technical possibilities, identifying the concordance between them The opinions on the detected defects as well as their remedial solutions are promptly communicated to the hierarchical bosses, in order to correctly establish the complexity of the defect; 
It has the obligation to signal the work areas and ensure them when the works are finished; 
It carries out its activity in compliance with the provisions of the Quality, Environment, Safety and Health at Work Integral Management System documents. Ask the team leader/head of the work point to take out of use the damaged and/or worn tools. He has a civilized, correct and loyal behavior towards the company in which he is employed, towards hierarchical bosses, beneficiaries and towards the persons authorized to carry out controls. Strictly respects the provisions provided in C.IM, C.C.M, R.0.1, R.O.F.; 
Respects the work schedule communicated by the company's management and actively participates whenever urgent situations arise in the performance of the execution activity that involves compliance with the contractual terms. All information given and documents to which the employee has access as a result of the execution of the individual employment contract or accidentally, are privileged and strictly confidential. The disclosure, copying, or distribution of any information, verbal in electronic form or on magnetic paper, etc., is strictly prohibited and incurs civil and/or criminal liability. Under the express approval of the management of the company, he will carry out his activity, in accordance with his training and training, as well as with the instructions received from the employer, so as not to expose to the risk of occupational injury or illness both his own person and other persons who may be affected by his actions or omissions during the work process; 
Obligations in the field of OSH and SU are presented in the Own Instructions regarding the general and specific obligations of workers; 
He is materially, disciplinary, contraventional or criminally liable, as the case may be, for the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties of the service.

Mechanical locksmith / Lăcătuș mecanic