1235 Jobs Found Reset Filters
AED 3,000
/ month
A social media expert plays a crucial role in helping businesses and individuals leverage social media platforms effectively to achieve their goals. Some of the key roles of a social media expert include:Strategy Development: Crafting comprehensive social media strategies tailored to the specific go...
Dubai, AE
Posted 3 days ago
AED 3,000
/ month
Customer Service Skills:Persuasive Speaking Skills. Think of the most persuasive speaker in your organization. ...Empathy. ...Adaptability. ...Ability to Use Positive Language. ...Clear Communication Skills. ...Self-Control. ...Taking Responsibility. ...Patience.
Dubai, AE
Posted 3 days ago
RON 4,000
/ month
Societate comerciala cu vechime de 10 ani in domeniul confectiilor metalice cauta lacatusi si sudori in hala de productie.Muncitori necalificati:-polizare,curatare,debitareSudori:-mig mag, 1 strat si multistratLacatusi:-asamblare structuri metaliceSalarii atractive.Locatie:Cluj-Napoca,Bulevardul Mun...
Cluj-Napoca, RO
Posted 3 days ago
RON 3,500
/ month
Cunoştinţe : legislaţia în domeniul comercial, rutier şi vamal, documentele necesare transportului de mărfuri şi persoane şi modul de asigurare şi predare a acestora, Decretul nr. 328/66 privind circulaţia pe drumurile publice cu modificările la zi, regulamente de întreţinere şi exploatare a autoveh...
Ploieşti, RO
Posted 3 days ago
RON 3,500
/ month
Asigurarea repartizarii informatiilor dinspre management catre toate departamentele, precum si in sens invers.Asigurarea transmiterii informatiilor primite din afara institutului, precum si a celor catre exterior, persoanelor carora li se adreseaza.Tehnoredactarea diferitelor materiale si redactarea...
Ploieşti, RO
Posted 3 days ago
AED 4,000
/ month
Project managers play a crucial role in planning, executing, and closing projects. Their responsibilities can vary depending on the industry, organization, and project size. Here are some common roles and responsibilities of a project manager:Project Planning:Develop a project plan outlining tasks,...
Dubai, AE
Posted 3 days ago
AED 5,000
/ month
Documenting financial transactionsMonitoring the efficiency of existing accounting procedures and ensuring they comply with the government regulationsReviewing financial documents to resolve any discrepancies and irregularitiesReconciling already documented reports, statements and various transactio...
Dubai, AE
Posted 3 days ago
AED 4,000
/ month
· Develop and implement HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy· Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues· Manage the recruitment and selection process· Support current and future business need...
Dubai, AE
Posted 3 days ago
EUR 530
/ month
Manipulantul marfurilor are responsabilitatea de a prelua, manipula si livra marfurile in mod corespunzator si in timp util.
- Preluarea marfurilor si verificarea acestora pentru a se asigura ca sunt in stare buna;
- Manipularea marfurilor in mod corespunzator, folosind echipamente...
Bucharest, RO
Posted 2 days ago
To load and unload vegetables / fruits
To ensure the integrity and security of the goods
To respect the work schedule established by the employment contract;
To follow the fulfillment of the daily norm, according to the employment contract;
The receiving, keeping, loading of the goods should be done...
Deta, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Pack the products;
Assemble the boxes;
Put the goods on pallets;
Manually insert the products into the bags or boxes provided with
bags and weighs them;
Record the weight of the requested products;
Apply labels with the name and weight on the packages
Seal plastic bags by hand or mechanically...
Deta, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Production operators, workers may be unskilled but experienced in the technical field.
- Taking over the goods and checking them to ensure that they are in good condition;
- Proper handling of goods, using appropriate equipment;
- Delivery of the goods to the destination in good time;
- Keeping docu...
Suceava, RO
Posted 3 days ago