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Full-time EUR 700  -  1,400 / month
Firmă de construcții angajează muncitori pentru următoarele posturi: zidari, dulgheri, zugravi, finisori, instalatori și muncitori necalificați. Angajăm pentru termen lung, noi având lucrări tot timpul anului. Salariul este stabilit în funcție performanțele fiecăruia.
  Constanţa, RO   Posted 3 days ago
Duties and responsibilities: - Cooperates with the manager, administrator and other workers; -Honesty and confidentiality in relation to the people inside and outside with whom he is in contact; - Responds to superiors' requests; In relation to the equipment and materials used: - Proper maintenance...
  ROSIORI DE VEDE, RO   Posted 3 days ago
Tasks and responsibilities:  To prepare the mortar and concrete and other construction materials,  To cut the brick and the prefabricated pieces and insert them into the forms,  To measure and erect partition walls and walls, arch openings,  To work with bricks on masonry and vau...
  VALEA POPII, RO   Posted 3 days ago

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