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3 Jobs Found Reset Filters
To carry out a work task, the electrician performs actions that must be carried out by means of production means and in certain environmental conditions, to achieve the purpose of the work process, as follows: - learns precisely what operation he has to handle, the phase or work handling he has to p...
  BENEŞTI, RO   Posted 3 days ago
Full-time USD 526 / month
Company activity: Construction Schedule: Monday to Friday 08:00 18:00 with 1 hour lunch break, Saturday 6 hours/day with 30 minutes lunch break, Sunday - free day Salary: 496 USD/month net salary + 4 USD/day worked for food + accommodation  Tasks and responsibilities: -To know how to work with...
  VALEA MARE PRAVĂŢ, RO   Posted 3 days ago
Location: Roșiori de vede  Company activity: 4321 - Electrical works  Schedule: 40 hours worked/week, 5 days worked/week, 2 days off Salary: 650 USD/month + 4 USD/day worked for food + accommodation  Tasks and responsibilities:  Responsibilities of the position in relation to oth...
  BENEŞTI, RO   Posted 3 days ago

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