Welder / Sudor
1 year ago
Job Details

Prepares and checks the welding machines; Fits the parts for cutting or welding; Cleans and controls the component parts from possible defects, impurities; Regulates the voltage/intensity of the electric current; Welds and cuts metal and plastic; Consolidates worn parts by covering them with layers of alloys; Use measuring devices to control the finished parts; Strictly respects the internal regulations of the company and the work schedule established by the company; Performs any work ordered by the manager of the workplace, respecting exactly the provisions of the specific norms of labor protection and PSI, both for the activities carried out in the perimeter of the company, its work points, as well as for the third beneficiaries, being directly responsible for the observance of these norms ; Does not leave the workplace without the consent of its manager and does not get involved in other activities without the approval of the direct boss and without his supervision; Always takes care of the integrity and proper functioning of the tools and devices used in the activity carried out; Demonstrates a cooperative and civilized attitude towards the staff with whom he comes into contact; Takes all measures to protect the patrimonial elements of the company, informing the management of the detected irregularities; Verbally warns the other personnel structures about the dangers existing during the activity

Welder / Sudor