1234 Jobs Found Reset Filters
The job of a chambermaid is to take care and provide everything necessary for the hotel rooms and in other areas of the hotel, boarding house, restaurant, treatment base, intended for the guests depending on the need. Tasks: - to clean rooms, hallways and other rooms, manually or using cle...
Posted 3 days ago
Tasks and responsibilities :-- Vacuuming surfaces.
- Washing/cleaning the floors.
- Wiping dust/stains from the furniture.
- Cleaning/disinfection of sanitary items in bathrooms.
- Changing consumable products.
- Cleaning the windows/fridge/drawers.
- Collecting/taking away the garbage.
- Respect th...
Bucharest, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Contract Romania nr.255 din data de 23.07.2021. Inlocuire din intern. Program de lucru ( numar de ore lucrate/zi, zile lucrate/saptamana, zile libere): - 6 zile/saptam ; 10 ore cu pauza 30 de min Salariul ( net), diurna, cazare (+alte beneficii): - 3000 lei net /luna + cazare + 20 lei/zilele lucrato...
Bucharest, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Tasks and responsibilities:
We are asking for two people from the unqualified category,
Stating that our activity is carried out in a repair shop for trucks and construction machinery, cranes, excavators, etc. In this sense, I want you to select two people with the skills of mechanical h...
Arad, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Contract Romania pentru 2 muncitori + Act aditional pentru 1 muncitor. Ctr. nr.344 din data de 15.09.2021. Program de lucru: - 5 zile/saptamana, 8 ore/zi cu pauza de masa Salariul: - 2500 lei net/luna + cazare + 20 lei/ziua lucratoare bani pentru hrana. Daca lucreaza in plus vor fi platiti extra.
Bucharest, RO
Posted 3 days ago
- sa pregateasca meniul; - sa comande, sa testeze, sa receptioneze si sa depoziteze ingredientele alimentare; - sa pregateasca mancarea in conformitate cu retetele si formulele date (care includ calcularea cantitatiilor necesare de materiale specifice pentru restaurant; - pregatirea mai multor felur...
Bucharest, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Sa pregateasca pizza ; - sa comande, sa testeze, sa receptioneze si sa depoziteze ingredientele alimentare; - sa pregateasca pizza in conformitate cu retetele si formulele date (care includ calcularea cantitatiilor necesare de materiale specifice pentru restaurant; - pregatirea mai mu...
Târgu Jiu, RO
Posted 3 days ago
- pregateste anumite alimente pe gratar - sa comande, sa testeze, sa receptioneze si sa depoziteze ingredientele alimentare; - sa pregateasca mancarea in conformitate cu retetele si formulele date (care includ calcularea cantitatiilor necesare de materiale specifice pentru restaurant; ...
Bucharest, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Tasks and responsibilities:
To prepare the mortar and concrete and other construction materials,
To cut the brick and the prefabricated pieces and insert them into the forms,
To measure and erect partition walls and walls, arch openings,
To work with bricks on masonry and vau...
Posted 3 days ago
Position: Unqualified worker in agriculture Location: Arad Company activity: Retail trade of pharmaceutical products Schedule: 8 hours/day, 48 hours/week, 30 minutes break/day Salary: 554 USD/month, 4 USD/day worked meal tickets; Accommodation will be provided by the employer; 21 days...
Slobozia Bradului, RO
Posted 3 days ago
Tasks and responsibilities:
To keep the kitchen and work area clean
Sanitize and maintain cooking equipment
Assist with product sourcing and unpacking Store ingredients properly
Weigh ingredients according to recipes
Make the preliminary preparations clean, cut, chop, e...
Posted 3 days ago
Work as a bottling line operator on machines from the technological cycle, loading-unloading works of raw material and finished product, other works provided by the technological cycle. Tasks and responsibilities: Compliance with the work schedule; Compliance with health and safety r...
Posted 3 days ago